- E. Cuhadar, Understanding Resistance to Inclusive Peace Processes, USIP PeaceWorks, (2020).
Book Chapters
- E. Cuhadar, “Inclusion and the Kurdish Resolution Process in Turkey”, Navigating Inclusion in Peace Processes, A. Carl (Eds.), pp. 79-84, London, UK: Conciliation Resources (2019)
- E. Cuhadar, D. Druckman, “Representative Decisionmaking: Challenges to Democratic Peace Theory”, Handbook of International Negotiation: Interpersonal, Intercultural, and Diplomatic Perspectives, M. Gallucio (Eds.), pp. 3-14, New York: Springer (2015)
- E. Cuhadar-Gurkaynak, A. Kotelis, “Cyprus: A Divided Civil Society in Stalemate”, Civil Society and Peacebuilding: A Critical Assessment, T. Paffenholz (Eds.), pp. 181-206, Boulder and London: Lynne Rienner Publishers (2010)
- E. Cuhadar-Gurkaynak, S. Hanafi, “Israel and Palestine: Civil Societies in Despair”, Civil Society and Peacebuilding: A Critical Assessment, T. Paffenholz (Eds.), pp. 207-234, Boulder and London: Lynne Rienner Publishers (2010)
- E. Cuhadar-Gurkaynak, B. Dayton, T. Paffenholz, “Evaluation in Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding”, A Handbook of Conflict Analysis and Resolution, S. Byrne, D.J.D. Sandole, I. Sandole-Staroste, J. Senehi (Eds.), pp. 286-302, London and New York: Routledge (2009)
- E. Cuhadar-Gurkaynak, B. Dayton, “Intaractable Conflicts and Track Two Diplomacy: perspectives from Political Psychology”, Advances in Poliitcal Psychology, M. Hermann (Eds.), Elsevier (2008)
Book Reviews
- E. Cuhadar-Gurkaynak, “Building Trust: Overcoming Suspicion in International Conflict” , by A. Hoffman, Albany: SUNY Press, 213, 2006, in International Studies Review, 9, (2007).
Journal Publications
- E. Cuhadar, J. Kaarbo, B. Kesgin, B. Ozkececi-Taner, “Turkish leaders and their foreign policy decision-making style: a comparative and multi-method perspective”, Turkish Studies, 22, 1-27 (2021) PDF
- E. Cuhadar, “Cognitive Frames of Track Two Practitioners: How Do They Affect Best Practice?”, International Negotiation, 26, 102-124 (2020) PDF
- E. Cuhadar, T. Paffenholz, “Transfer 2.0: Applying the Concept of Transfer from Track Two Workshops to Inclusive Peace Negotiations”, International Studies Review, 22, 651-670 (2020) PDF
- E. Cuhadar, “Enlarging the negotiation table with business sector actors: Who, how, and with what effect?”, International Negotiation, 24, 1-26 (2019) PDF
- E. Cuhadar, J. Kaarbo, B. Kesgin, B. Ozkececi-Taner, “Personality or Role? Comparisons of Turkish Leaders Across Different Institutional Positions”, Political Psychology, 38, 39-54 (2017) PDF
- E. Cuhadar, J. Kaarbo, B. Kesgin, B. Ozkececi, “Examining Leaders’ Orientations to Structural Constraints: Turkey’s 1991 and 2003 Iraqi War Decisions”, J of International Relations and Development., 1-26 (2015) PDF
- E. Cuhadar, O. G. Genc, A. Kotelis, “A Greek–Turkish peace project: Assessing the effectiveness of interactive conflict resolution”, J of Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, 15, 563-583 (2015) PDF
- E. Cuhadar, R. Kampf, “Do computer games enhance learning about conflicts? A cross-national inquiry into proximate and distant scenarios in Global Conflicts”, Computers in Human Behavior, 52, 541-549 (2015)
- E. Cuhadar, R. Kampf, “Does Conflict Content Affect Learning from Simulations? A Cross-National Inquiry into the Israeli-Palestinian and Guatemalan Conflict Scenarios”, Negotation and Conflict Management Research, 8, 243-260 (2015) PDF
- E. Cuhadar, R. Kampf, “Learning about Conflict and Negotiations through Computer Simulations: The Case of PeaceMaker”, International Studies Perspectives, 15, 142-162 (2014) PDF
- E. Cuhadar-Gurkaynak, B.W. Dayton, “Oslo and Its Aftermath: Lessons Learned from Track Two Diplomacy”, Negotiation Journal., 155-179 (2012)
- E. Cuhadar-Gurkaynak, B. Dayton, “The Social Psychology of Identity and Intergroup Conflict: From Theory to Practice”, International Studies Perspectives, 12, 273-293 (2011) PDF
- M. Altunisik, E. Cuhadar-Gurkaynak, “Turkey’s Search for a Third Party Role in Arab-Israeli Conflicts: A Neutral Facilitator or a Principal Power Mediator?”, Mediterranean Politics, 15, 371-392 (2010)
- E. Cuhadar-Gurkaynak, “Assessing Transfer from Track Two Diplomacy: The Cases of Water and Jerrusalem”, J of Peace Research, 46, 641-658 (2009)
- E. Cuhadar-Gurkaynak, “Track Two Diplomacy from a Track One Perspective: Comparing the Perceptions of Turkish and American Diplomats”, International Negotiation, 12, 57-82 (2007)