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Ph.D. Students

Cemre Azizoğlu

Research Areas: Turkish Politics, Social and Cultural Studies, Everyday Life

Azizoğlu’s research is about living alone. In this respect, her project focuses on how one-person households start to live alone, how they experience the condition of living alone, and what their future expectations are related to their living arrangement. She has three main areas of inquiry: pathways, experiences, and future expectations. For data collection, she has conducted semi-structured, in-depth interviews with people who live alone or have lived alone.

E-mail: cemre.azizoglu@bilkent.edu.tr
Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. M. Nedim Karakayalı

Emine Bademci

Research Areas: Comparative Politics, Turkish Politics, Comparative Welfare States

In her dissertation, Bademci aims to explore the ideas and interests behind employers’ attitudes toward active labour market programs (ALMPs). She focuses on the politics of employers’ participation in ALMP in Türkiye and explores how welfare regimes, as the overarching institutional context, structure employers’ ideas and interests. She studies the extent to which employers participate in ALMPs (from fully implementing to ideologically opposing) and how their behaviour is defined by the welfare regime in Türkiye. By doing so, she investigates how national welfare regimes spin powerful policy feedback effects on the “policyscapes,” which shape employers’ attitudes toward public policies.

E-mail: bademci@bilkent.edu.tr
Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. H. Tolga Bölükbaşı

Ahmet Tarık Bıyıklıoğlu

Research Areas: Public Policy, Comparative Welfare States, Comparative Politics

Bıyıklıoğlu’s research intersects comparative welfare states, public policy, and disability studies. His master’s thesis analyzed how disability policies in the United States and Türkiye create disparate outcomes between veterans and civilians, with particular focus on access to essential assistive technologies such as prosthetics. Building on this foundation, his Ph.D. project aims to examine how public policies, as institutions, contribute to and shape health inequities across different contexts.

E-mail: a.biyiklioglu@bilkent.edu.tr
Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. H. Tolga Bölükbaşı

Batıkan Bulut

Research Areas: Comparative Politics, Turkish Politics, Migration and Civic Engagement

Bulut’s dissertation project focuses on civic engagement patterns of the Turkish-German youth generation to shed light on the immigrant-origin youth in the diaspora and their participation in civic life. His study aims to examine the relationship between these practices and civic engagement by looking at the volunteering activities and association participation of the young generation, who did not witness the experiences of the second-generation immigrants in Germany but learned and grew with them.

E-mail: batikan.bulut@bilkent.edu.tr
Supervisor: Asst. Prof. Meral Uğur Çınar

Can Çelik

Research Areas: Comparative Politics, Social and Cultural Theory, Militarism and Nationalism

Çelik’s dissertation focuses on the Turkish military culture and its everyday life representations through its masculinity understanding. His research interests include cultural geography, military culture, and social movements.

E-mail: can.celik@bilkent.edu.tr
Supervisor: Prof. Alev Çınar

Fatma Murat Elmacıoğlu

Research Areas: Political Theory, Turkish Politics, Contemporary Islamic Political Thought

Murat Elmacıoğlu is currently working towards her dissertation on diverse understandings of the concept of civilization in the contemporary Turkish Muslim intelligentsia within the context of urban life and community building. Her research interests include Turkish political thought, civilizationism, politics of space and religion and modern Turkey.

E-mail: nur.murat@bilkent.edu.tr
Supervisor: Prof. Alev Çınar

Egesu Sayar

Research Areas: Comparative Politics, Social and Cultural Theory, Collective Memory

Sayar studies protest narratives of contemporary student movements in Turkey. By relying on analyses of their repertoires of contention and collective memory, their claims-making, demanding, and framing processes for democratic participation are the main focus of her study, including the cultural dimension in their constitution of collective identity.

E-mail: egesu.sayar@bilkent.edu.tr
Supervisor: Asst. Prof. Meral Uğur Çınar

Pınar Dilan Sönmez Gioftsios

Research Areas: Comparative Politics, Turkish Politics, Nationalism and Citizenship

Sönmez Gioftsios’ PhD study explores lived citizenship experiences of highly-skilled EU and non-EU migrants in Hungary and Greece, focusing on intersections and interrelations between formal and informal sites of citizenship. It aims to map out legal/political, socio-economic, cultural, and emotional experiences of being a citizen through the use of the mixed methods-grounded theory design to offer an analytical framework to the concept of lived citizenship.

E-mail: dilan.sonmez@bilkent.edu.tr
Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Ioannis N. Grigoriadis

Hande Tuhanioğlu

Research Areas: Political Theory, Social Theory, Cultural Studies

On the basis of the examination of work in making sense of and reproducing social relations, Tuhanioğlu aims to understand the contemporary meaning of work by focusing on workers’ understanding of life through their work, the life practices reproduced by work, and the possibilities of change in labor processes with the availability of new technologies.

E-mail: hande.tuhanioglu@bilkent.edu.tr
Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. M. Nedim Karakayalı

İsmail Yazıcı

Research Areas: Turkish Politics, Political Theory, Comtemporary Islamic Political Thought

Yazıcı’s doctoral research centers upon the transformation of Cold War Islamism in Turkey, focusing on the influence of global Islamic revivalism on the political thought of the Turkish Muslim intelligentsia.

E-mail: ismail.yazici@bilkent.edu.tr
Supervisor: Prof. Alev Çınar

Cansu Yetimoğlu

Research Areas: Comparative Politics, Turkish Politics, Gender & Politics

Yetimoğlu conducts an explorative study of the gender-collective memory nexus by investigating collective memory constellations among female representatives in the Grand National Assembly of Türkiye. To contextualise the significance of the constitutive representation of women by illustrating what kind of a role collective memory plays when female parliamentarians engage in politics, Yetimoğlu conducts semi-structured, in-depth interviews with female representatives and thematic analysis of the speeches of female representatives.

E-mail: cansu.yetimoglu@bilkent.edu.tr
Supervisor: Asst. Prof. Meral Uğur Çınar

Didem Yılmaz

Research Areas: Social and Cultural Studies, Political Theory, Technologies of the Self

By focusing on the bodily construction of the self in the 18th century, Yılmaz is interested in how technologies of the self are regarded as various forms of biopolitics. At this point, she aims to elaborate on neo-Stoicism with the changing ontological reflections on the self through its transformative bodily practices and body as a field of multiple possibilities.

E-mail: didem.yilmaz@bilkent.edu.tr
Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. M. Nedim Karakayalı

Fatma Yol

Research Areas: Comparative politics, Turkish politics, Gender Politics

Yol’s dissertation focuses on women’s substantial political representation within the Turkish context. In her research, she conducts discourse analysis on the speeches by female parliament members addressing women’s issues in the Parliament.

E-mail: fatma.yol@bilkent.edu.tr
Supervisor: Assist. Prof. Meral Uğur Çınar