Assistant Professor
Ph.D., International Relations and Political Science, Koç University, 2016. Party politics, political behavior, political communication, Turkish politics, research methods
E-Mail: kyildirim@bilkent.edu.tr
Phone: 0312 290 2254
Office: T363
Website: www.keremyildirim.com
Book Chapters
- K. Yıldırım, “Türkiye’de Yanaşmacılık ve Patronajın Tarihsel Dönüşümü [Historical Transformation of Clientelism and Patronage in Turkey], Türkiye Siyasetinin Sınırları: Siyasal Davranış, Kurumlar ve Kültür – Ersin Kalaycıoğlu’na Armağan, A. Çarkoğlu, E. Erdoğan, M. Moral (Eds.), İstanbul Bilgi University Press (2023).
- K. Yıldırım, “Personalistic Linkages and Persuasion in Turkish Party Politics”, Contemporary Turkey at a Glance II: Turkey Transformed? Power, History, Culture, M. Ersoy, E. Özyürek (Eds.), Springer VS (2017).
- B. Altıok-Karşıyaka, K. Yıldırım, “Characteristics of Prolonged Social Movements: The Case of Gezi Park Protests”, Contentious Politics in the Middle East, F. Gerges (Ed.), Palgrave Macmillan (2015).
Journal Publications
- A. Çarkoğlu, A., K. Yıldırım, “Media Effects in a Polarized Political System: The Case of Turkey”, Political Behavior, Published online before print (2023).
- Y. Wu, O. Kuru, L. Baruh, A. Çarkoğlu, Z. Cemalcılar, K. Yıldırım, “Partisan Bias in COVID- 19 Conspiracy Theories: News Reliance and the Moderating Role of Trust in Health Authorities”, Health Communication, Published online before print (2023).
- K. Yıldırım, “Who Receives Clientelistic Benefits? Social Identity, Relative Deprivation, and Clientelistic Acceptance among Turkish Voters”, Turkish Studies, 24(2), 231-257 (2023).
- I. Doğan, L. Baruh, Z. Cemalcılar, O. Kuru, K. Yıldırım, A. Çarkoğlu, “Biased Perceptions against Female Scientists Affect Intentions to Get Vaccinated for COVID-19”, Public Understanding of Science, 31(2), 239-251 (2022).
- K. Yıldırım, L. Baruh, A. Çarkoğlu, “Dynamics of Campaign Reporting and Press-Party Parallelism: Rise of Competitive Authoritarianism and the Media System in Turkey”, Political Communication, 38(3), 326-349 (2021).
- K. Yıldırım, “Clientelism and Dominant Incumbent Parties: Party Competition in An Urban Turkish Neighbourhood”, Democratization, 27(1), 81-99 (2020).
- K. Yıldırım, H. Kitschelt, “Analytical Perspectives on Varieties of Clientelism”, Democratization, 27(1), 20-43 (2020).
- I. D. Özel, K. Yıldırım, “Political Consequences of Welfare Regimes: Social Assistance and Support for Presidentialism in Turkey”, South European Society & Politics, 24(4), 485-511 (2019).
- A. Çarkoğlu, A. Krouwel, K. Yıldırım, “Party Competition in the Middle East: Spatial Competition in the Post-Arab Spring Era”, British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, 46(3), 440-463 (2019).
- E. Yörük, İ. Öker, K. Yıldırım, B. Yakut-Çakar, “The Variable Selection Problem in Three Worlds of Welfare Literature”, Social Indicators Research, 144(2), 625-646 (2019).
- K. Yıldırım, G. Kocapınar, “Untangling the Gender Gap: Nomination and Representativeness in Turkish Local Elections”, Turkish Studies, 20(2), 222-248 (2019).
- A. Çarkoğlu, K. Yıldırım, “Change and Continuity in Turkey’s June 2018 Elections”, Insight Turkey, 20(4), 153-182 (2018).
- S. E. Aytaç, A. Çarkoğlu, K. Yıldırım, “Taking Sides: Determinants of Support for a Presidential System in Turkey”, South European Society & Politics, 22(1),1-20 (2017).
- A. Çarkoğlu, K. Yıldırım, “Election Storm in Turkey: What do the Results of June and November 2015 Elections Tell Us?”, Insight Turkey, 17(4), 57-79 (2015).
- A. Çarkoğlu, L. Baruh, K. Yıldırım, “Press-Party Parallelism and Polarization of News Media during An Election Campaign: The Case of the 2011 Turkish Elections”, The International Journal of Press/Politics, 19(3), 295-317 (2014).