- I.N. Grigoriadis, “Ishak Pasa Palace, Dogubeyazit, Turkey”, School of Oriental and African Studies, 2016, Oct 2015.
- I.N. Grigoriadis, Democratic Transition and the Rise of Populist Majoritarianism: Constitutional Reform in Greece and Turkey, Cham, Palgrave, (2018).
- I.N. Grigoriadis, Instilling Religion in Greek and Turkish Nationalism: A “Sacred Synthesis”, London and New York: Palgrave MacMillan, (2012).
- I.N. Grigoriadis, Trials of Europeanization – Turkish Political Culture and the European Union, Palgrave, (2009).
Book Chapters
- I.N. Grigoriadis, “The Cyprus Problem and Greek Foreign Policy”, Greek Foreign Policy, C. Tsardanidis, E. Athanassopoulou (Eds.), pp. 219-238, Athens: Papazissi, 2021 (2021)
- I.N. Grigoriadis, “The Oxford Handbook of Modern Greek Politics”, Greek-Turkish Relations, K. Featherstone, D.A. Sotiropoulos (Eds.), pp. 613-628, Oxford & New York: Oxford University Press (2020)
- I.N. Grigoriadis, “Spoiled Brats’ or ‘Anti-capitalist Pioneers’: Turkish Views of the Greek Crisis”, Political and Cultural Aspects of Greek Exoticism, P. Panagiotopolos, D.P. Sotiropoulos (Eds.), pp. 95-104, Palgrave Pivot (2019)
- I.N. Grigoriadis, “Minority Debates on the Future of the Ottoman Empire: Greek and Armenian Nationalist Thought”, Europe and the Black Sea Region: A History of Early Knowledge Exchange (1750-1850), D. Gutmeyr, K. Kaser (Eds.), pp. 237-254, Zurich: Lit Verlag (2018)
- I.N. Grigoriadis, “On the Europeanization of Minority Rights Protection”, The Europeanization of Turkish Public Policies: A Scorecard, A. Guney, A. Tekin (Eds.), pp. 130-142, London and New York: Routledge (2015)
- I.N. Grigoriadis, “Minorities”, The Routledge Handbook of Modern Turkey, M. Heper, S. Sayari (Eds.), pp. 282-292, London and New York: Routledge (2012)
Book Reviews
- I.N. Grigoriadis, “Between Military Rule and Democracy: Regime Consolidation in Greece, Turkey, and Beyond” , by Y. Gursoy, A. Arbor, University of Michigan, 328, 2017, in Turkish Studies, 20, (2019).
- I.N. Grigoriadis, “When Greeks and Turks Meet: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Relationship since 1923” , by V. Lytra, Farnham, Surrey, Ashgate, 319, 2015, in Global Affairs, 1, (2015).
- I.N. Grigoriadis, “The Constitutional System of Turkey: 1876 to Present” , by E. Ozbudun, Palgrave Macmillan, 192, 2011, in J of Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, 14, (2014).
Journal Publications
- I.N. Grigoriadis, “Antioch’s Last Heirs: The Hatay Greek Orthodox Community between Greece, Syria and Turkey”, Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies.. PDF
- I.N. Grigoriadis, “The European Union in the Eastern Mediterranean in 2020: Whither Strategic Autonomy”, J of Common Market Studies., 1-11 (2021) PDF
- I.N. Grigoriadis, P. Akdeniz, “Universal Faith or Islamic Denomination: On the Struggle to Define Alevism”, J of Church and State, 63, 47-69 (2021) PDF
- I.N. Grigoriadis, E. Shahin, “Between Ethnic Group and Nation: Mihail Çakir’s Histories of the Gagauz”, East European Politics and Societies, 35, 638-660 (2021) PDF
- I.N. Grigoriadis, “Between Citizenship and the Millet: The Greek Minority in Republican Turkey”, Middle Eastern Studies, 57, 741-757 (2021) PDF
- I.N. Grigoriadis, O.T. Karabicak, “Baudrillard in Ankara: mainstream media and the production of simulacra in the Turkish public sphere”, British J of Middle Eastern Studies., 1-16 (2021) PDF
- I.N. Grigoriadis, Z.A. Elitsoy, “Inside Outsiders: Comparing State Policies towards Citizens of Palestinian and Kurdish Descent in Israel and Turkey”, J of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 23, 750-767 (2021) PDF
- I.N. Grigoriadis, “For the People, against the Elites: Left versus Right Wing Populism in Greece and Turkey”, J of the Middle East and Africa, 11, 51-64 (2020) PDF
- I.N. Grigoriadis, A. Opcin, “Imagining Turan: Homeland and its Political Implications in the Literary Work of Hüseyinzade Ali [Turan] and Mehmet Ziya [Gökalp]”, Middle Eastern Studies, 56, 482-495 (2020) PDF
- I.N. Grigoriadis, C. Felek, “Hype, Disillusionment and Capacity Problems: Turkish Cypriot Media and the European Union”, Middle Eastern Studies, 55, 111-126 (2019) PDF
- I.N. Grigoriadis, E. Dilek, “Securitizing Migration in the European Union: Greece and the Evros Fence”, J of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 21, 170-186 (2019) PDF
- I.N. Grigoriadis, T.N. Grigoriadis, “The Political Economy of Kulturkampf: Evidence from Imperial Prussia and Republican Turkey”, Constitutional Political Economy, 29, 339-369 (2018) PDF
- I.N. Grigoriadis, “The Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) and the 2015 elections”, Turkish Studies, 17, 39-46 (2016) PDF
- I.N. Grigoriadis, “Islam and Democratization in Turkey: Secularism and Trust in a Divided Society”, Democratization, 16, 1194-1213 (2009)