Associate Professor
Ph.D., Near Eastern and Judaic Studies, Brandeis University, 2005. Nationalism, intellectual history
E-Mail: ayturk@bilkent.edu.tr
Phone: 0312 290 1502
Office: T265
Book Chapters
- I. Ayturk, “Language and Nationalism”, Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics, G. Khan (Eds.), pp. 419-420, Leiden: E.J. Brill (2013)
- I. Ayturk, “Romanization of Hebrew Script”, Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics, G. Khan (Eds.), pp. 798-801, Leiden: E.J. Brill (2013)
Book Reviews
- I. Ayturk, “Sacred Speakers: Language and Culture among the Haredim in Israel” , by S.D. Baumel, New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books, 232, 2006, in Israel Strudies Forum, 22, (2007).
Journal Publications
- B. Esen, I. Ayturk, “The Far Right, Labor Unions and the Working Class in Turkey since the 1960s”, Middle East Journal.. PDF
- I. Ayturk, “The Flagship Institution of Cold War Turcology: Turk Kulturunu Arastirma Enstitusu, 1961-1980”, European J of Turkish Studies, 24, 1-22 (2017) PDF
- P. Dost-Niyego, I. Ayturk, “Holocaust Education in Turkey: Past, Present, and Future”, Contemporary Review of the Middle East, 3, 250-265 (2016) PDF
- I. Ayturk, “Nationalism and Islam in Cold War Turkey”, Middle Eastern Studies, 50, 693-719 (2014) PDF
- I. Ayturk, L. Mignon, “Paradoxes of a Cold War Sufi Woman: Samiha Ayverdi between Islam, Nationalism and Modernity”, New Perspectives on Turkey, 49, 57-89 (2013)
- I. Ayturk, “The Coming of an Ice Age? Turkish-Israeli Relations Since 2002”, Turkish Studies, 12, 675-687 (2011)
- I. Ayturk, “The Racist Critics of Ataturk and Kemalism, 1930s-1960s”, J of Contemporary History, 46, 308-335 (2011) PDF
- I. Ayturk, “Script Charisma in hebrew and Turkish: A Comparative Framework for Explaining Success and Failure of Romanization”, J of World History, 21, 97-103 (2010)
- I. Ayturk, “Editorial introduction: Romanization in Comparative Perspective”, J of the Royal Asiatic Society, 20, 1-8 (2010)
- I. Ayturk, “Revisiting the Language Factor in Zionism: The Hebrew Language Council from 1904 to 1914”, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 73, 45-64 (2010)
- I. Ayturk, “H.F. Kvergic and the Sun Language Theory”, Zeitschrift der deutschen morgenlandischen Gesellschaft, 159, 23-44 (2009)
- I. Ayturk, “Politics and Language Reform in Turkey: The ‘Academy’ Debate”, Wiener Zeitschrift fur die Kunde des Morgenlandes, 98, 13-30 (2008)
- I. Ayturk, “The First Episode of Language Reform in Republican Turkey: The Language Council from 1926 to 1931”, J of the Royal Asiatic Society, 18, 275-293 (2008)
- I. Ayturk, “Attempts at Romanizing the Hebrew Script and Their Failure: Nationalism, Religion and Alphabet Reform in the Yishuv”, Middle Eastern Studies, 43, 625-645 (2007)
- I. Ayturk, “Turkish Linguists against the West: The Origins of Linguistic Nationalism in Ataturk’s Turkey”, Middle Eastern Studies, 40, 1-25 (2004)