- D. Just, Transformative Fictions: World Literature and Personal Change, Routledge (2022) [reprint 2024]
- D. Just, Literature, Ethics, and Decolonization in Postwar France: The Politics of Disengagement, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (2015) [reprint 2017]
Book Chapters
- D. Just, “The Poetics of the Unpoetic: Literature, Ordinariness, and Raymond Carver’s Minimalist Realism,” Literature and Its Language: Philosophical Aspects, G.L. Hagberg (Ed.), pp. 25-51, London: Palgrave (2022)
- D. Just, “Transformative Fictions: Literature as Care of the Self”, Narrative and Self-Understanding, G.L. Hagberg (Ed.), pp. 205-224, London: Palgrave (2019)
Journal Publications
- D. Just, “Varieties of Nothing: Understatement and Anticlimax in Chekhov, Hemingway, and Carver”, Modern Philology, 121, 425-446 (2024).
- D. Just, “The Literary Bias: Narrative and the Self”, Philosophy and Literature, 47, 439-462 (2023).
- D. Just, “The Difficult Childhood of an Adult: Aging and Maturity in Witold Gombrowicz’s Pornografia”, Russian Literature, 116, 17-39 (2020)
- D. Just, “Literatura a život: sebestylizace jako strategie v autobiografických a esejistických textech Bohumila Hrabala”, Česká literatura, 67, 60-83 (2019)
- D. Just, “The Autobiographical Provocation: Witold Gombrowicz’s Diary as a Transformative Text”, Modern Language Review, 113, 610-632 (2018)
- D. Just, “Bohumil Hrabal and the Poetics of Aging”, MLN: Modern Language Notes, 133, 1394-1419 (2018)
- D. Just, “The Invention of Work in Modernity: Hegel, Marx, and Weber”, J of Historical Sociology, 30, 435-456 (2017)
- D. Just, “A Biopolitics of Immaterial Labor”, Political Studies, 64, 401-416 (2016)
- D. Just, “Literature and Learning How to Live: Milan Kundera’s Theory of the Novel as a Quest for Maturity”, Comparative Literature, 88, 235-250 (2016)
- D. Just, “Milan Kundera and the Poetics of Novelistic Truth”, Poetics Today, 36, 175-200 (2015)
- D. Just, “Exhausted Literature: Work, Action and the Dilemmas of Literary Commitment”, Philosophy and Literature, 37, 291-313 (2013)
- D. Just, “The War of Writing: French Literary Politics and the Decolonisation of Algeria”, J of European Studies, 43, 227-243 (2013)
- D. Just, “The Poetics of Elusive History: Marguerite Duras, War Traumas, and the Dilemmas of Representing Reality”, Modern Language Review, 107, 1064-1081 (2012)
- D. Just, “Art and Everydayness: Popular Culture and Daily Life in the Communist Czechoslovakia”, European J of Cultural Studies, 15, 703-720 (2012)
- D. Just, “Aesthetics of Blankness: Political Imagination in Marguerite Duras’s Hybrid Narratives”, Romanic Review, 101, 359-376 (2010)
- D. Just, “From Guilt to Shame: Albert Camus and Literature’s Ethical Response to Politics”, MLN: Modern Language Notes, 125, 895-912 (2010)