Book Chapters
- B. Burcak, “Deconstructing Orientalism at the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition: Esmeralda Cervantes, Sultan Abdülhamid II and ‘Address on the Education and Literature of the Women of Turkey'”, The Turkish Connection: Global Intellectual Histories of the Late Ottoman and Republican Turkey, Deniz Kuru and Hazal Pabuççular (Eds.), pp. 79-105, Oldenbourg: De Gruyter (2022).
Book Reviews
- B. Burcak, “Learned Patriots: Debating Science, State, and Society in the Nineteenth-Century Ottoman Empire”, by M. Alper Yalçinkaya, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 314, 2015, in Int J of Middle East Studies, 48, (2016).
Journal Publications
- B. Burcak, “‘The question of the corset’: fashion, health and identity in late Ottoman history”, British J of Middle Eastern Studies., 1-22 (2021) PDF
- B. Burcak, “Hygienic beauty: discussing Ottoman-Muslim female beauty, health and hygiene in the Hamidian Era”, Middle Eastern Studies, 54, 343-360 (2018) PDF
- B. Burcak, “Modernization, Science and Engineering in the Early Nineteenth Century Ottoman Empire”, Middle Eastern Studies, 44, 69-83 (2008)
- B. Burcak, “The Institution of the Ottoman Embassy and Eighteenth Century Ottoman History: An Alternative View to Gocek”, Int J of Turkish Studies, 13, 147-151 (2007)
- A. Erdentug, B. Burcak, “Political tuning in Ankara, a Capital, as reflected in its urban symbols and images”, Int J of Urban and Regional Research, 22, 589-601 (1998)